Welcome to the American Society of São Paulo
The American Society of São Paulo is a Civil Society Organization (CSO) founded on May 10, 1950. We are often referred to colloquially as AmSoc.
AmSoc acts as a liaison and a promotor of friendship and philanthropy between our membership and a variety of organizations, including the American Consulate, the American Chamber of Commerce, International schools, charities, and athletic groups, to name a few.
We organize social, cultural, and athletic events for our diverse membership, and encourage integration with Brazilian society as well as supporting beloved American traditions.
" The American Society of São Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership, encourages integration with Brazilian society and supports American traditions, philanthropy and volunteerism."
Rua da Paz, 1431 - Chácara Santo Antônio (Zona Sul), São Paulo - SP, 04714-001, Brazil
+55 11 99645-4159
(Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00)