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How To Vote From Brazil In The 2024 US Elections

As a U.S. citizen or dual-national , you have the right to vote from abroad in the 2024 elections and every election. If you are or will be 18 years old on November 5, 2024, you can vote in the upcoming elections.

Register to vote and request your ballot.

Voters abroad must register every calendar year. You must register as an overseas voter, not as an absentee voter. Thus the importance of using a registration site designed for voters abroad. When you register, you also request your ballot for all the elections you are eligible to vote in for 2024.

The important difference to note is that when you register as an overseas voter you are protected by UOCAVA - Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. By registering as an overseas voter you also have the advantage of being able to use a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot or FWAB - a back-up ballot if needed.

There are two main sites to register:

The FVAP is a federal government site promoted by the US Embassy and VFA is paid for and promoted by Democrats Abroad but will register any voter regardless of party affiliation.

Consider starting the process early in the year so you understand the steps and the deadlines for your voting state.

Read through all the information as it could have changed from the last time you voted - even if it was the last election cycle. Mark the deadlines in your calendar.

How do I determine my voting state if I no longer own a home in the US or have been living abroad for many years?

You always use the last address you held in the US before you moved overseas. Even if it was many years ago - the rule still applies. Even if you sold your home or it is leased - same rule. Or you were living in a rented home - you still use the address.

Should I request a mail-in or email ballot?

If your state allows, request your ballot be sent to you via email. There is an option for this when you fill-out the form. This will eliminate the worry of potential local mail problems or strikes. Note that some states require you to actually mail in the voter registration request and ballot request. Florida, for example, is one of these states. Check the information carefully. Remember that each state has it’s own set of rules and deadlines. Don’t assume that the rules and deadlines you followed the last time you voted will be the same this year.

Make Sure You Receive Your Ballot

Ballots must be sent to overseas registered voters at least 45 days before the election date. So roughly mid September. Go ahead and put a note in your calendar to check your email and spam folders around that date and opt in to the reminders from the voting site. If you don’t receive the ballot within a week of the 45 day window, you should reach out to the local election official in your state. The contact information is available on your states secretary of state's website. It can also be found on the VFA site. This is when you may need to request a back-up ballot or FWAB ( uploads/FVAP/Forms/fwab.pdf)

How to return your voted ballot?

If your state requires postal mail ballot return, the options are :

  1. Return your ballot via diplomatic pouch: Voters in Brazil can drop their ballots off in postage paid envelopes at the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia or at Consulates in select cities.

To contact your Voting Assistance Officer, call or send an email: https://

Be aware that using the diplomatic pouch does not mean your ballot will arrive faster.

2. Take your ballot to a Brazilian post office or book a private mail carrier.

Information on postal services: FeDex Brazil and DHL Brazil.

Note Brazilian post offices also provide express international mail options. We recommend the Premium option which guarantees delivery date and allows tracking. Check Correios Brasil Internacional here.

Important: You must ask for a postmark or date stamp to be placed on the outer envelope when mailing using any service.

Did my ballot arrive and was it counted?

The status of your ballot appears in your state’s Secretary of State website once you log in with your personal information. Note that there is a lag time between your received ballot and the information being uploaded. For confirmation, call your local election office in the US.

Problems with your returned ballot

As an overseas voter you have the right to vote a back-up ballot, or FWAB. For complete information:

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